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KMID : 0359019990190050739
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
1999 Volume.19 No. 5 p.739 ~ p.746
Endoscopic Findings of Ectopic Pancreas in the Stomach
1/2¹Úº´±Ô/12Byung Kyu Park
1/2¹Ú¼öÁø/1/2¹é¿ëÇÑ/1/2°íÁØ»ó/1/2ÀÌ¿ëÂù/1/2¼Û½Ã¿µ/1/2Á¤À纹/1/2¹®¿µ¸í/1/2°­Áø°æ/1/2¹ÚÀμ­/12Soo Jin Park/12Yong Whan Baik/12Jun Sang Ko/12Yong ChanLee/12Si Young Song/12Jae Bock Chung/12Young Myoung Moon/12Jin Kyung Kang/12In Suh Park
Ectopic pancreas, Endoscopy,
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